Litchfield Beach, SC
The Breedens | Family Beach Portraits
I have been trying to get this blog post written for about two weeks now, but life seemed to have gotten in the way. So now, in the quiet stillness of a chilly, rainy, dreary Sunday, I am going to give this session a permanent spot on my blog. Hanna reached out last summer about an extended family session, and quickly became, not only a client, but a sweet friend. This was my 4th session with her in less than a year. She is my hype girl, always cheering on my work, each and every time I get to have a session with her. And I am here for it! I also adore her sweet little family. Photo sessions with little ones can feel wildly chaotic, and leave you wondering if there is even one photo that could be salvaged from the session. After having little ones of my own and feeling those same feelings trying to get their pictures or our own family pictures, I have found that simply allowing the little ones to run, play, and making it into a game always delivers the sweetest, most in the age galleries. Ones that you'll treasure forever, especially when they're grown and you just want to remember them small just one more time. One thing I love about Hanna is that she's perfectly content in just simply letting them be. She doesn't get rattled by the tears and she and Reed are both down to run, chase the waves or birds or do whatever we can think of to get those sweet little smiles. So that's what we did. We ran, chased and dipped our toes in the still freezing water on Litchfield Beach. Here's a few of my favorites from this session.
The beach is one of my favorite places to shoot. I have quite a few beach sessions on the calendar already. So, if you're wanting to dip your toes in the sand for a photo session and want me as your photographer, complete the contact form and let's make some memories chasing the waves on the coast of South Carolina.